Power System Testing: The Importance of a Proactive Servicing Approach

Electricity is a direct lifeline to many facility operations. What can you do to prepare your business for power failure? A backup system is the most reasonable solution to an electrical outage. You can take precautionary measures, such as equipment testing, to make certain your generator is emergency ready. Backup power supplies have a high risk of failure because many components must work together to provide electricity. A reliable design will minimize the number of equipment malfunctions you experience. Combining power system testing with proper maintenance may make component malfunctions less likely. A precautionary servicing program is essential to the dependability of your system. Breakdowns cannot be completely avoided, but a majority of causes may be detected through routine inspections. Quality servicing lessens critical down time due to generator breakdown.

Emergency Power Generation: Common Sources for System Malfunction

Emergency power generation failures typically arise from maintenance problems. Bad fuel, clogged filters, mechanical issues, light load operations, and control glitches are common reasons for a failed system. Professional testing of this equipment allows weaknesses to be resolved. You need to have a regular maintenance schedule in place. Monthly testing procedures are a preventative servicing measure for detecting repairs before the power supply is required.

A backup source can fail due to starter-system components such as the batteries, cables, and motors malfunctioning. Batteries may leak or lose their charge throughout operation. Cell and charging abilities can be determined by performing an open-voltage reading. Readings below recommended values are often a sign of a bad cell or resting in a discharge state over an extended amount of time. Degrading cells should be replaced to avoid such failures. Visual inspection of cables and the tightening of connections reduce electrical circuit resistance. Fuel issues result from unmaintained tanks or neglected monthly testing. Load testing is necessary to make certain emergency power generation is available.

Mechanical problems may arise from multiple components. Engine part malfunctions and cooling system issues are common. The engine block heating method has to keep a consistent oil temperature. If it cannot, the generator will fail to start. Thorough testing and maintenance assists in identifying heater problems before they become a bigger issue. Oil or fuel pumps must receive regular servicing to prevent improper operation. Generators are more likely to perform well if they are operated under a suitable load. Power system testing should be performed at sixty percent or higher load capacity. Lower capacity testing on diesel units can lead to carbon accumulation on various components. It will also open your system up to a serious problem called wet stacking.

Transfer switch operation must be observed through testing to ensure the generator will turn on and off accordingly. Fire safety standards recommend inspecting each pole to obtain millivolt drop levels. Infrared images assist in checking the connections of this component. Bypass options need to be inspected in full operation, and all circuit breakers and switchgears should be regularly serviced.

A Prime Power technician can complete all needed testing on your system. Our years of generator expertise allow for complete servicing of your backup supply. Call us today to begin creating a specialized system maintenance plan.