Professional Electric power generators supplying backup power in case of emergencies

Electric power generators have a wide variety of applications that include supplying backup power in case of emergencies. The purpose of emergency power supply systems (EPSS) is different than the prime and continuous power generators. The prime and continuous power generators are primarily needed in remote areas of the world where the grid does not reach, or where power from the grid is unreliable.

Green Power-Forward Looking Issues for Generators: Introduction

Electric power generators have a wide variety of applications that include supplying backup power in case of emergencies for commercial establishments and businesses, an emergency standby generator provides an added level of insurance to keep up with the day to day operations running smoothly without interruption. Generators can also provide protection against voltage fluctuations in the power grid and can protect sensitive computer and other capital equipment from unexpected failure. Note that the purpose of emergency power supply systems (EPSS) is different than the prime and continuous power generators. The prime and continuous power generators are primarily needed in remote areas of the world where the power grid does not reach, or where power from the grid is unreliable.

Whereas the specification of a standby power generator must meet the specific technical requirements for the businesses; a business must consider several other critical aspects before making the purchase. Obviously the most important consideration is business continuity and subsequent cost. The environmental consideration is getting significant attention these days because of the incredible amount of pollution these generators add to the environment. One solution to this problem is to use clean-burning fuel for these generators.

Diesel is the fuel of choice for these standby electrical power generators because of its high power density and availability. However, natural gas is becoming a cleaner fuel option for such generators. There are several reasons for that:

  • Natural gas produces lower emissions while providing a highly economical electricity source.
  • Natural gas-generators perform very well under intermittent load conditions.
  • Parts and service technicians for natural gas generators are widely available.

To make use of the benefits of natural gas, an effort is underway to use natural fuels to replace (or to use in conjunction with) diesel used in gensets in commercial establishments. Altronic Inc (with GTI acquisition) has innovative systems that allow operators to use two fuels (natural gas and diesel) together for the same genset. This feature gives the user the flexibility to choose between gas and diesel modes as dictated by fuel pricing, fuel availability, or other operational considerations such as efficiency. The end result is that operators benefit from this fuel flexibility and all of the economies associated with it.

Going beyond the above, commercial establishments and businesses must be forward looking in the years to come, as several vendors are working on green power generators that reduce Carbon Monoxide and NOx (Nitrogen Oxide) emissions, as compared to today’s generators. Unlike standard generators which idle for hours and spew smoke – adding greenhouse gases into the air, green-powered generators provide cost effective and environmentally friendly power that benefits society.

Prime Power Services is the GTI distributor for Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi. Our talented engineers can help you achieve your goal of using clean-burning fuel and increasing the efficiency of your generators. We offer unparalleled customer support to back up our quality equipment.