The Importance of Automatic Transfer Switch Maintenance

The level of maintenance a machine receives is usually commensurate with its frequency of use, with machines that are used the most receiving the most frequent servicing. But there are also machines that require regular service despite being operated infrequently, one of which is an emergency back up generator. Backup Generators require several types of maintenance, which falls into two categories: servicing that supports the generator itself, and servicing that supports components that ensure the generator's function. Of the latter type, automatic transfer switch servicing is one of the most critical concerns.

Why is Automatic Transfer Switch Maintenance Important?

The malfunction of a transfer switch presents one of two scenarios: in the event of an outage, a building's primary supply could not be switched to a secondary supply; or, after a commercial outage is resolved, a building's secondary supply could not be switched back to its primary supply. In either case, entities that depend on closed transition switches"”also known as "make before break switches""”for constant electricity could suffer tragic losses. As a result, an automatic transfer switch"”the lynchpin that supports the transition from commercial supply to generator supply and vice versa"”commonly receives highest placement on an entity's equipment servicing list.

What Are the Best Options for Switchgear Maintenance?

Regardless of the type of switchgear a facility uses, there are four options for maintaining it: maintaining the equipment onsite, the first line of defense against premature breakdown; having it reconditioned in a repair shop, the preferred option for restoring it to a condition that in house maintenance could then maintain; having it converted by replacing out of date components, a practice typically performed during the reconditioning process; having it replaced, meaning implementing a new unit, truck, and carriage assembly while leaving existing cell interlocks, the racking mechanism, and switchgear in place; or having it retrofilled, implementing a new unit, truck, and carriage assembly, as well as new cell interlocks, a new racking mechanism, and new switchgear. To determine the best servicing option for recalcitrant switchgear, consulting an emergency power supply service is the best option.

Outsourcing Emergency Generator Services to an Emergency Power Supply Service

Most emergency power supply services offer three core services: servicing of         power-supply equipment by contract or on an on call basis; consultation on the implementation of emergency and non-emergency power equipment; and supply of emergency and non-emergency power-supply equipment. For servicing switch equipment, outsourcing to an emergency supply service typically offers the best value in terms of investment and expertise, with a service's expertise protecting both your investment in backup equipment and the investment in your company that the equipment serves to protect. In addition, most companies find that outsourcing generator services is more affordable than employing in house specialists.